Jul 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook

ADA Accommodation Services

ADA Accommodation Services

Disability Services

It is Western Iowa Tech Community College’s policy not to discriminate against individuals with disabilities and to provide reasonable accommodation(s) to qualified applicants and students. Although this policy primarily describes accommodations that allow persons with disabilities to apply for admission and participate in education programs, courses, services and activities, the policy also applies to accommodations that would allow applicants or students with disabilities to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of education as enjoyed by other applicants or students.

Persons with documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations. The student should indicate the nature of the disability and identify specific needs and/or requested accommodations. The student is responsible for providing documentation of the disability.

Approved accommodations may include interpreters; alternative testing, color-coded materials, large print copies, and assistive technology may be made available as needed.

The Accommodation Services Coordinator is located in Admissions and can be reached by calling (712)317-3440 or schedule an appointment.

The Kurzweil Reader is available to all WITCC students and can be found on the Disability Services / Student Resources card on MyWIT.

See College Policies for additional information.

Scope of Potential Reasonable Accommodations

  1. Upon request, and with appropriate documentation, Western Iowa Tech Community College is prepared to adjust the admissions process or the educational environment to make reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants and students with disabilities.
  2. Upon request and with approved documentation, reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to: a) making existing academic facilities used by students and the public readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities; b) adjusting when and how academic or technical requirements are met or performed; c) adjusting admission and performance tests, educational materials, or policies; d) allowing readmission upon review and evaluation; e) providing or arranging counseling services; f) providing readers, interpreters, written materials in alternative formats, and other auxiliary aids and services; g) adjusting the manner and method of instruction and testing; h) allowing applicants or students to make use of equipment or devices that the College is not required to provide. The College does not assume coordination or financial responsibilities for attendant care services.
  3. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. An accommodation is not considered reasonable when: a) the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, course, service, and/or activity; b) the individual is not otherwise qualified to meet the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in an education program, course, service and/or activity; c) the accommodation would cause an undue financial or administrative burden on the College; or d) the individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of self, or others.
  4. Reasonable accommodation does not negate requirements for successful completion of a program, course, service, and/or activity, adherence to generally acceptable standards of behavior and the College’s code of conduct, not adherence to administrative and faculty directions and instructions.

Request for Reasonable Accommodation

  1. The applicant or student must submit a formal request to the Accommodation Services Coordinator describing the nature of the requested accommodation. The applicant or student should indicate the nature of the disability and identify specific needs or limitations. The applicant or student is responsible for providing documentation of the disability to the Accommodation Services Coordinator.
  2. The applicant or student shall identify any specific accommodations that have been successful in the past and any equipment, aids, or services that the applicant or student is willing to provide and utilize.

Disability 504 Accommodation Plan

Once a student’s file is completed with the Coordinator of Accommodation Services. The Accommodation Services Coordinator will provide a written 504 plan that the student will take to instructors which verifies the student’s eligibility and includes recommendations for appropriate accommodations.  It is the student’s responsibility to discuss the 504 accommodation plan with each instructor as early in the semester as possible.  Instructors provide their acknowledgment of the accommodation plan with their signature.  If the classroom instructor is unable to provide reasonable accommodations or if the student’s request is refused by the instructor, the student may request advocacy services from the Coordinator for Accommodation Services located in Admissions or may be contacted by phone at (712) 317-3440. Click here to schedule an appointment.

Applicants or Students Who Refuse Reasonable Accommodation

Applicants and/or students with disabilities have the right to refuse an offer of an accommodation. If the refusal of an offer of an accommodation results in the individual’s inability to perform or meet the admission or participation standards for a program, course, service, or other activity, then that individual will not be considered a qualified individual with a disability and may be denied admission or participation accordingly, as deemed appropriate by the College.

Appeals of Accommodations

A student who disagrees with the College’s decision to refuse a requested accommodation may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students of Western Iowa Tech Community College. The decision of the Dean of Students will be final.

A complete copy of the Policy of Nondiscrimination can be obtained from the Dean of Students or its designee.

Service Animal

The ADAAA defines a Service Animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” Importantly, other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not Service Animals for the purposes of the ADA, with the exception of a trained miniature horse.

Assistance Animal

“Assistance Animals” are a broader category of animals that may perform physical tasks for a person with a disability and/or provide necessary emotional support to a persons with a mental or emotional disability, but which are not considered Service Animals under the ADAAA. Some Assistance Animals are professionally trained, but in some cases Assistance Animals provide the necessary support to persons with disabilities without any formal training or certification. The question in determining if an Assistance Animal will be allowed in college housing is whether or not the Assistant Animal is necessary because of the student’s disability to afford the student an equal opportunity to use and enjoy college housing. However, even if the student establishes necessity for an Assistance Animal and it is allowed in college housing, an Assistance Animal is not permitted in other areas of the college (e.g. libraries, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, student center, etc.).

Procedures For Requesting Service /Assistance Animals in WITCC Housing

The procedure for requesting Service and Assistance Animals for college housing are outlined below:

  • A student requesting permission to keep a Service or Assistance Animal in college housing must make a formal request to the Accommodation Services Office.
  • If the disability and/or necessity for the animal are not obvious, documentation/verification of the need for a Service or Assistance Animal should follow the Accommodation Services Office’s guidelines for documentation of a disability, and should generally include the following current (within the last six months) information:

Verification from a physician, psychologist or other licensed professional who is in a position to know about the individual’s disability of:the student’s disability; and a statement of how the animal is necessary because of the student’s disability to ensure an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing.

  • The Accommodation Services Coordinator will review the documentation, make a determination as to whether the request is approved or denied, and then arrange a meeting with the student. Students whose request is granted will be notified of the acceptance of the animal and provided the WITCC Service and Assistance Animal Policy. Students whose requested accommodation for a Service or Assistance Animal is denied through this process will be notified and may appeal such decision. All appeals are reviewed by Western Iowa Tech Community College Dean of Students Students will receive information about the appeals process upon notification of the denial.
  • The individual with the disability using a Service or Assistance Animal is responsible for the care or supervision of a Service Animal. The partner/handler of an animal present at any WITCC location or event is personally responsible and strictly liable for damage to any property and/or harm to others caused by the animal while at WITCC facility or sponsored event.

WITCC strives to make reasonable accommodations for eligible persons with disabilities to ensure equal and fair access to programs, educational opportunities and activities.

For more information about Disability Services or if you have any questions, please contact the Accommodation Services Coordinator at 712-317-3440.  Click here to book an appointment.